We Are Canonical:
We are canonical by virtues of the following facts, faith, practices, Symbols, and traditions upheld and taught in our Church. These truths are what
make us equal with the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
1. We have true and valid Apostolic Succession recognized by Rome “Episcope Vagantes” and “Dominus Iesus” and the “Concordat that was signed between the Holy Father Pope Paul VI and Archbishop
Glazmaker of Utrecht in 1989, recognizing the Catholic statue of one another, and the validity of one another’s sacraments. Archbishop +John Paul Hozvicka apostolic succession runs through the
Old Catholic Church of Utrecht, and by divine providence also has apostolic succession through the Orthodox Church of Antioch in Syria.
2. Our Seven Holy Sacraments are valid by the power of the Holy Spirit which flows through our Apostolic Succession; and our continuity with 2000 years of Church Tradition.
3. The full expression of our Faith is expressed in the Nicene Creed which gives us full communion with Jesus Christ.
4. We acknowledge the 85 Ancient Apostolic Canon Laws
5. We accept the first seven ecumenical councils of the one, true Apostolic and united Church.
6. We pray a valid Liturgy and teach the True Presence of Christ Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
7. We hold true to all-male priesthood
8. We hold the Bible as the inspired word of God without confusion or error. Once the early Church father completed the canonization of the Bible and announced its holiness and authority it
became the full express of God divine and mystical being (existence), the divine teaching on moral values and on righteousness and has authority over all man-made canon laws.
9. The Servants of Christ Jesus of the Catholic Faith operates under its own set of codes of Canons; to insure the success of its ministry and the survival of its Religious Order for centuries to
come. Our canonical ordinations come from our Archbishop-Primate who has two lineage of the Apostle Peter. We declare our canonical origin from the Apostolic See of Rome, through Utrecht of
Holland of the Old Catholic Church and through the Orthodox Church of Antioch in Syria; through the Russian Orthodox Church and the Albanian Orthodox Church.
Recognition from Rome
By Pope St. John Paul II
*Episcope Vagantes: (Latin for wandering bishops) Bishop with valid apostolic succession who exist outside the structures and canon law of the establish churches, and who are not in communion
with the established Churches.
*Dominus Iesus:
issued by Pope John Paul II on June 16, 2000 and signed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later pope Benedict XVI) Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith on August 6, 2000
that reads:
“Therefore, there exists a single Church of Christ, which subsists in the Catholic Church, governed by the Successor of Peter and by the Bishops in the communion with him. The Churches which,
while not existing in perfect communion with the Catholic Church, remain united to her by means of closest bonds, that is, by apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist, are true particular
A concordat was signed between the Holy Father Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Glazmaker of Utrecht in 1989, recognizing the Catholic statue of one another, and the validity of one another’s
sacraments. Archbishop +John Paul Hozvicka apostolic succession runs through the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht, and by divine providence also has apostolic succession through the Church of
Antioch in Syria