Satans attack on marriage is a direct attack on Christian Families
Christianity, has always been under attacked by its adversaries and the only difference between now and then is how satan structures his attacks on
the Christian people under the guise of freedom, self centeredness and self entitlement. They attack marriage which is a covenant with God and the foundation of the family. Satan recognizes the
beauty and significance of God's creation of marriage and family, as they reflect the loving relationship between Christ and His Church. God's design for the family brings immense benefits to
society, serving as the foundation for thriving communities and the future of God's work on earth. By protecting and strengthening families, we protect what is dear to God's heart. The
cornerstone of a prosperous family is a solid marriage. Preserving the sanctity of marriage fosters a stable and supportive environment for our loved ones to grow and thrive.
While society explores alternative forms of cohabitation, we must remain dedicated to fortifying the institution of marriage, thereby ensuring a lasting impact on the well-being of our families
and communities. As we delve deeper into God's plan for the family, we'll gain invaluable insights to recognize and thwart Satan's attempts to distort and weaken it. Through Peter and Paul, God
offers us crystal-clear guidelines on the realms of accountability and authority within the family, empowering us to build a strong and godly household.
In the realm of marriage, Scripture illuminates two distinct yet harmonious roles, the headship of the husband and the submission of the wife. This divine partnership is likened to the sacred
relationship between Christ and the Church. The husband is divinely called to embody Christ-like leadership, protection, and provision, while the wife is divinely appointed to honor and support
her husband's leadership, utilizing her unique gifts to further the beauty and blessings of their union. The husband, as the head of the household, holds the responsibility of ensuring the
well-being and prosperity of his family. He must lead with sacrificial love, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.
The husband must nourish and cherish his wife, and provide for the needs of the family. When he fulfills his role with love and devotion, the wife will respect and support him, leading to a
flourishing marriage. Let us rise above Satan's manipulation and embrace God's beautiful plan for the family. May husbands be empowered with courage to lead with love and wives support with
grace, reflecting the harmony of godly headship and submission. The Scriptures provide a beacon of hope for families, illuminating the path towards harmonious relationships between parents and
children. By embracing these teachings, parents can cultivate a nurturing environment that encourages children to grow and thrive, while resisting the influence of negative forces. Upon
recognizing this truth, one may observe the manifold ways in which Satan influences modern media, culture, literature, music and even religious institutions . Numerous television programs and
children's books depict parents as weak and incompetent. They reflect a deliberate effort to undermine parental influence and promote self-centeredness. Inspire your children to reach their full
potential by embracing your role as a parent with love, guidance, and a nurturing environment, shaping their future with the 'discipline and instruction of the Lord' in mind.
Parents must give the Scriptures priority in the home because God’s Word is the necessary foundation. Satan has done a masterful job at keeping families so busy that they have little time to
attend mass, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray the rosaries, read the Bible, let alone study it and put it into practice in their lives. Spending time in God’s Word and waiting upon
God is essential. If Satan can keep families too busy for the scriptures, attending mass, going to confession, receiving the Eucharist and praying their rosaries they will lose their joy,
strength, and effectiveness in this world. Satan, using busyness as his tool, has robbed many families of the time God wants them to spend with each other. When couples fail to prioritize
spending quality time together, it can lead to a lack of emotional closeness and shared enjoyment in each other's company. To build a strong and healthy marriage, it is essential for husbands and
wives to make time for each other, not just as parents but as partners in life. Moreover, spending time with their children is necessary for parents to guide them in the right path, as stated in
the Scriptural mandate, and to create a loving and supportive family environment that will shape their children's future. Families require dedicated time for training, which is often compromised
by busy and stressful lives. To foster a healthy family environment, it is essential to allocate time for personal connections, away from distractions such as electronic devices. By prioritizing
shared activities like reading, praying, eating, and playing together, families can strengthen their bond and fulfill their purpose, ultimately bringing glory to God and benefiting both the
family and the community.
When parents nurture their relationship with God and embrace His Word, they embody Christlikeness, drawing their children closer to Him. By cultivating love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, families can thrive and flourish, fostering a harmonious environment that encourages personal growth and well-being. If he can convince
members to act in a hypocritical manner, integrity is lost. If satan can persuade children or parents to stretch the truth or shade it, even the smallest bit, trust is destroyed and damage
ensues. The family’s ultimate protection against Satan’s attacks is to know and live out God’s truth. As His truth and love are expressed through the functioning of the family, even neighbors and
friends may be drawn to God. In conclusion, the Bible offers the divine plan and guidance for families to flourish, as created by God. Our most effective defense lies in identifying the pattern
and detecting Satan's subtle attacks, while nurturing godly leadership, respect, love, and prayerful dependence on God. May God enable families to follow His principles and stay close to Him, for
He alone can preserve families for His honor.
Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,
Rev. Fr. Jhimerson Maneclang,SCJ