Speakings in Tongues

When people say they have the gift to speak in tongues and all that comes out of their mouth are incomprehensible gibberish and noises that only themselves and their companions supposedly could interpret and understand I tell you run the opposite way and pray because these people are fakes and are possessed by the devil. Speaking of tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. The speaking of tongues literally means the ability to speak and understand foreign languages that not of a persons native tongue or language. This is why the Apostles were able to convert people near and far throughout the world and start churches everywhere. This is why we have many Catholic Church Rites and not just one. This is why the Roman Catholic Church is called the Latin Rite because they spoke Latin. And other Catholic Rites speaks languages according to their region or place. The gift to speak in tongues does not mean to speak gibberish incomprehensible words and sounds that only the speaker knows what he/she is saying. When a person who had been given the gift of tongues he/she will be able to communicate with the people that is foreign to his/her own native tongue or language. For example like the late Pope Benedict XVI who spoke not only his native tongue that is German but also English, French, Italian, Spanish. Portuguese and Latin. Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all always.

Viva Cristo Rey! Ave Maria!
Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,
Rev. Fr. Jhimerson Maneclang,SCJ