Responsibility of a Catholic Parent

Parents have the responsibility to introduce to their children their Catholic faith and beliefs, to teach , encourage and show examples of what a good Christian should be. Parents must teach their children the to pray, obey the commandments of the Lord, to love, respect, value the sacredness of every life from conception till natural death and that it is a precious gift from God. Parents are to care, love, nurture, provide a healthy and safe environment for their children until they come to adulthood where they can provide for themselves and become of age where they themselves know what is right from wrong. Children are not born disrespectful, evil, sinful, lazy, selfish, unreasonable, ungrateful, disrespectful, cruel towards others and have no fear of the Lord. They merely are the reflections of their parents lack of faith, upbringings and teachings on moral values and principles. Therefore, parents must do all they can to ensure the future outcomes of their children, starting from their conception parents must practice their Catholic faith and beliefs, baptize their children, teach them the gospel, the moral values, principles and consequences of their own actions, show them love, compassion, respect, responsibility and the knowledge of and fear of the Lord. Just as we are created in Gods image and love then we too must reflect that holiness and love to our children so they in return become a mirror and reflection of ourselves on how we lived a good, moral, loving, law abiding, faithful, God fearing and Holy life.

Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,
Rev. Fr. Jhimerson Maneclang,SCJ