What does it mean to be a Catholic?

Being a Catholic means you are to uphold and defend the truths handed on to you by our Lord Jesus Christ through His Apostles and their Apostolic successors from the Scriptures, Doctrines, and Traditions both written and orally passed down from generations to generations. We are to guard and defend our faith against any attacks that seeks to change, destroy and contradict it! The Catholic Church is founded by Jesus Christ who is God therefore it is deemed holy and perfect. If any man attempts to change the Catholic Church then he is a hypocrite and is an unbeliever for if he truly believed that it is founded by Jesus Christ our Lord, God and Savior then he would affirm, defend, uphold and hold on to its teachings, doctrine and traditions without any doubts and attempt nothing to assert any changes and reforms. The Catholic Church is the dispenser of all truths and graces from our Lord, Savior, God and Master Jesus Christ.

Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,

Rev. Fr. Jhimerson Maneclang,SCJ