Why many people hate the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary? Why people are afraid of loving her? Why people afraid of giving her honor? Why do people despise her? The reasons why people hate her specially Protestants because the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary is highly favored by God, she is firstly given honor by God, she is well loved by God first and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, it is because the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary is full of grace, she is untouched by the stain of sin, because she is full of grace she is filled with so much goodness and humility. We as human beings lack all that, because we lack the fullness of grace we are envious, we are stained with sin, we are full of pride and we are so jealous to the point we hate those who shows exemplary holiness, humility and love. Therefore, due to our lacking of that we instead of loving, honoring and following the examples of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, our jealousy turns into envy, pride and hate. Be not afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, for it isn’t us that favored her first, it isn’t us who loved her first, it isn’t us who blessed her first, it isn’t us who gave her honor first but it was God Almighty who did and we are just merely imitating and following what Jesus did and that is giving her the highest honor amongst all creatures of God our Heavenly Father. May the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary guide you and lead you to her most precious and beloved Son Jesus Christ whom she constantly is pointing us towards. May she always intercede for all our needs and what is lacking of in our spiritual life so that we too may mirror her and attain holiness becoming one of Gods saints in heaven.

Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,

Rev. Fr. Jhimerson Maneclang,SCJ